Friday, July 20, 2012

Grandfather's Walk-Gruetschalp to Murren

We woke up to bright sunshine and views of the hills and mountains. Days like this are when you head to the mountains. We had breakfast and then my mom and I went to our Untour's Orientation. It ended up just being the two of us which was kind of nice because we gave the Untour local guide our list of things we wanted to do and got her opinions on it. Untours offers several group activities you can participate in. We chose just two, a trip to a cheese-maker's hut and the farewell dinner at the end of the trip. I was glad that we left the kids and my dad back at the house because they would have been bored.

We'd made plans before we left to head up towards Murren and either do some hiking or go to the top of the mountain via cablecar. We'd make the decision based on the weather, it was very clear early but clouds were headed our way. It is pointless to go to the peak of the mountain if there are clouds.

When our orientation was wrapping up I checked the Swiss Train App on my phone (a huge bonus of having a prepaid data plan on a phone) and saw that the train we wanted was leaving in 15 minutes. If we didn't catch this one we'd have to wait another hour. I texted my dad and told him to bring the kids and meet us at the station. Both my dad and I added international texting packages to our AT&T phones, this was definitely handy! We all met at the station and made it on the train. We had to change trains in Spietz and Interlaken, Interlaken is the transfer point for trains into the mountains. The Swiss transportation system is amazing, it might sound like a pain switching trains all the time but it isn't at all! Everything is so organized and easy! Disney could learn a thing or two about transportation from the Swiss.

From Interlaken we took another train to Lauterbrunnen. The views from the train were amazing. Sometime during the train trip my mom and I started talking about our plan. It was one of those conversations where two people are not on the same page but don't realize it right away. She thought we still might take the cable car to to Schilthorn but I'd decided it would be best to save that for a different day because it looked like clouds were coming. Finally after some confusion we cleared things up and got on the same page. From Lauterbrunnen we took the cable car up to Grutschalp, riding in the cable car was awesome we had great views back down into the valley.

Cable Car
We started our hike in Grutshcalp, the weather was warm and the valley was clear, we had great views of the mountains. This hike is called the Grandfather's Walk because it is a relatively easy hike and popular with people of all ages. This hike offers views of the famous mountains the Eiger, the Monch, and the Jungfrau.

The Eiger, Monch, and the Jungfrau

Kids ready to hike

The kids did great at the beginning of the hike, they were very entertained by the cow pies that we'd find on the trail. In Switzerland you share the trails with the animals. We passed beautiful mountain streams, walked through forests, and came across mountain barns. There was a mother walking with two boys who were a bit younger than my kids. They'd stop to look at bugs along the trail and my kids would peek at them too. I believe she spoke French as he native language but her English was excellent.

What a view!

Group picture on the trail

Hiking Sign

Barn in the mountains
Taking a break with Grandpa while Grandma catches up
Another view of the three mountain peaks
Mountain stream

At about the half way point of the 4 mile hike there is a stopping point where there is a restaurant and a train stop if you don't want to hike the whole way. The kids were getting hungry and we decided to stop for lunch. The restaurant was very busy and for good reason. The food was good and very affordable. We ate outside and there was a play area for the kids with a trampoline, a rope to walk across, riding toys, and a playground. My kids went and played while we waited for our food. The restaurant had a menu translated into English which made ordering much easier, they also had a children's menu which was great.

Ali had a blast playing on the trampoline, for a bit she was jumping with some girls who either spoke French or German. She couldn't talk to them but they seemed to communicate fine. Connor tried walking the tight rope but didn't make it too far. After the girls went to eat their lunch, Connor joined Ali on the trampoline.

Everyone enjoyed what they ordered. I ordered Rosti which is a traditional Swiss meal. It is like really yummy hash browns, I had mine with an egg on top. I'm sure it isn't healthy but it sure tastes great! Connor didn't stray too far from the norm and ordered chicken nuggets and Ali got german hot dogs. It was really a nice meal and I was surprised that the bill was only 61 Francs, that is cheap for a meal in Switzerland. We didn't order drinks but shared a pitcher of water.

My Rosti with egg and cheese. Ali ate the bacon.
After lunch my mom decided she was done hiking and she took the train to Murren where the hike would end. The kids, my dad, and I continued hiking. Apparently Ali really wanted to go with Grandma because she was pretty whiny for the last mile or so. She just didn't think she could go any farther. I tell you, once that girl gets going she can be something else! She is very fit and in shape, she was just being dramatic. When she'd forget about the drama she'd run up ahead like she wasn't tired at all! I wouldn't say the hike was a piece of cake but it wasn't bad either, it was mostly uphill so that does make your legs tired. The scenery was amazing though and definitely made up for the tired legs!

Another mountain stream

Poor Ali! So mean of us to make her hike in the Alps!

A cool shelter along the trail
When we arrived in Murren we looked for my mom at the train station but we didn't see her. We looked in a shop for a bit while we waited, Connor saw the Swiss Army knives and decided he really wanted one. His birthday is two days away so I told him I'd think about it. Ali saw a stuffed dog she wanted but I told her she'd need to wait as well. We sat on a bench at the station and waited for my mom, she arrived and as we'd suspected she'd been checking out the shops in town.

The first train was full (the trains from Murren are small) but a second one came about 15 minutes later. The train ride down to Gruetschalp was fun, the windows were down and it seemed like an old fashioned train. We took the cable car down and this time Ali stood by the window. We headed home from there. When we were at the Interlaken station we had a 15 minute wait for the train, I stopped at a convenience store and grabbed drinks for Connor and Ali. I bought Connor a Coke, it was overpriced but he'd been a trooper all day so he deserved something special! When I gave it to him he said "Mom, you bought me a Coke?!?" He was so excited! At home he is allowed to have soda in moderation, but we told him before this trip he wouldn't be ordering soda because soda costs a lot at restaurants in Europe. It's not cheap like it is at home. I guess he was thinking he was going to go all 18 days with no soda. Funny how the little things can be so exciting for kids. Connor also noticed a movie poster for Ice Age 3 and said now he has seen that poster in at least 3 languages, English, German, and French!

Inside the cable car

Ali's view looking up the mountain

One overpriced Coke made Connor a very happy boy!

We stopped in Spietz to go to a bigger grocery store than we have in Frutigen. In the end we decided we liked our store in town better. Once we got back to Frutigen my dad and I headed to the store. We picked up a pizza to put in the oven for dinner. It was very good and easily fed all of us and it was only 7 Francs!

Lights out was a bit later than I'd hoped. At 10:00 I could still hear the kids in their room. We really had a great day, I couldn't have asked for more on our first full day! The weather was gorgeous, the views amazing, and everyone was happy (minus the mile when Ali thought we were torturing her). Switzerland is an amazing country, not only is it beautiful but the people are very friendly and helpful. I am already trying to figure out when our return trip will be!


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